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Monday 8 March 2021

Today cannot be women's day

Someone cracked an expensive joke that today is women's day

Very expensive and though I can afford it, I decline to pay 

For those who know, today cannot be women's day

Women's day is every day and every day is women's day

Celebrating the women in our lives should happen every day

So that the prices they pay do not become needles in stacks of hay

Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, these are not just some random nouns

In truth, they're worth more than the jewels in our crowns

Precious treasures deserving to be abundantly treasured

Far above their sacrifices often unfittingly measured

Every day and in every way, make every day women's day


  1. Thanks very much. Women are nothing without men.
    Behind a successful woman there is always a successful man. So we are in this together.
    Thanks for appreciating us.
